Lantana Growing Guide

Lantana camara 


Crop Rotation Group



Any fertile soil with excellent drainage.


Full sun.

Frost tolerant

Very limited. A few lantana varieties will persist as perennials where winters are mild, but most are killed by hard freezes.


Mulch soil generously with compost prior to planting. When growing lantana in containers, use a coarse potting compost that drains well.


Lantanas are sprawling plants that attract huge numbers of butterflies, so locate them where they are easily seen on sunny days.


Single Plants: 30cm (11") each way (minimum)
Rows: 25cm (9") with 35cm (1' 1") row gap (minimum)

Sow and Plant

Only a few lantana varieties are available as seed, but it is better to start with vegetatively propagated plants because they are seed sterile and cannot become weedy. Most gardeners buy lantanas as bedding plants, which are sold in late spring and early summer as warm-weather bedding plants. Large varieties may need wider spacing, or you can grow them in 35cm(14-inch) diameter containers.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.


Many lantanas have florets that change colour as they age. Blooming is best in very warm weather. As long as they have ample water, lantanas tolerate extreme heat.


Snip off any seed clusters that form and discard them, as they are poisonous.


Lantanas that dry out often can be brought back to life with regular water and fertiliser.

Planting and Harvesting Calendar

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Pests which Affect Lantana