Gazania Growing Guide
Gazania rigens
Crop Rotation Group
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Any good garden soil with excellent drainage.
Full sun.
Frost tolerant
Gazania plants can tolerate light frosts but not hard freezes.
Fast growth is encouraged mulching the soil with compost before planting. Drench plants with a liquid fertiliser in late summer to support strong blooming in autumn.
Pair gazanias with taller drought-tolerant flowers such as gomphrena and coreopsis. If you prefer a low-growing composition, soften the coarse texture of gazanias with companionable mounds of portulaca.
Single Plants: 30cm (11") each way (minimum)
Rows: 30cm (11") with 30cm (11") row gap (minimum)
Sow and Plant
When starting gazania seeds indoors in early spring, cover them well with moist seed starting mix. Gazanias also can be direct-sown in late spring, after the soil has warmed.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.
Originally from South Africa, gazania survives high heat better than many other flowers. Gazania colours include orange, yellow, white, pink and many bicolours.
Blossoms open during the day and close at night, so they are not useful as cut flowers. Container-grown plants can be brought indoors in autumn and kept growing in a sunny windowsill or heated greenhouse.
Excessive rain can cause gazanias to develop problems with root rot diseases.
Planting and Harvesting Calendar
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Pests which Affect Gazania