Rosemary Growing Guide

Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia rosmarinus


Crop Rotation Group



Well-drained soil enriched with compost.


Sun preferred but will grow in most positions.

Frost tolerant

Where winters are mild, rosemary can grow into huge, shrub-like plants.


Drench plants with a water soluble organic plant food one month after setting them out.


Single Plants: 20cm (7") each way (minimum)
Rows: 20cm (7") with 20cm (7") row gap (minimum)

Sow and Plant

Start with a purchased plant, keeping in mind that growth habit varies with variety. Trailing rosemary for walls, or dwarf varieties for containers, are propagated by rooting stem cuttings rather than from seeds. Wild Mediterranean rosemary can be grown from seeds or plants.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.


Frequent pinching back helps to keep plants bushy and full, and it delays flowering. Trailing rosemary is great cascading over a wall.


Gather sprigs as needed in the kitchen. Gather stems for drying from spring to late summer.

Planting and Harvesting Calendar

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Pests which Affect Rosemary