Potatoes (Early) Growing Guide Solanum tuberosum Crop Rotation Group Solanaceae (Potato and tomato family) ● Soil Rich, deep soil enriched with plenty of compost is best, but will grow in most positions. Position Usually full sun. Frost tolerant No. Feeding Not usually required. Spacing Single Plants: 40cm (1' 3") each way (minimum) Rows: 35cm (1' 1") with 50cm (1' 7") row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Grow from seed potatoes. Chit them by leaving on cardboard or eggboxes in a light position until they have produced short green sprouts. Plant out in early to mid spring. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Notes As shoots appear, draw soil over them if there is still a possibility of frost. Once the shoots are hand height, earth them up by drawing more soil around them or by applying a surface mulch of compost, leaving the top of the shoots still showing to keep the actual potatoes covered. If any potatoes get exposed to light and turn green they should not be eaten. Make sure potatoes are kept watered in dry weather. Harvesting The earliest potatoes can be harvested when the plants begin to flower. Once the foliage has wilted harvest the main crop within a couple of weeks, digging in from the side to avoid damaging the tubers. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Potatoes (Early) Aphids (General) Capsid Bug Millipede Slug Snail Wireworm Plant Diseases which Affect Potatoes (Early) Late Blight Verticillium Wilt