Broccoli Growing Guide Brassica oleracea Crop Rotation Group Brassicas (Cabbage family) ● Soil Rich, deep, firm soil enriched with plenty of well rotted compost. Position Full sun. Frost tolerant Yes. Feeding Spraying leaves with dilute seaweed spray prevents birds eating them. Spacing Single Plants: 45cm (1' 5") each way (minimum) Rows: 45cm (1' 5") with 45cm (1' 5") row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Sow early to mid summer. Sow in seedtrays or pots as they take quite a while to reach transplanting stage and during that time a quick summer crop can be grown and harvested in the garden. Firm soil well when transplanting. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Notes Surround stem with a 10cm mat with a slit cut into it for the stem to prevent cabbage root fly from destroying the roots. Use fine mesh or fleece over the summer to prevent butterflies laying eggs on the underside of leaves - caterpillars can destroy these plants. Protect against birds which can damage the young seedlings. Harvesting Harvest by cutting off the large central head first before it starts to flower. Cut it at an angle to prevent water settling and rotting the stem. Side shoots will appear and as long as these are continually harvested before they form flowers, they will continue producing for a couple of months Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Broccoli Aphid, Cabbage Aphids (General) Cabbage Moth Cabbage Root Fly Cabbage White Butterfly Diamondback Moth Flea Beetle Slug Snail Plant Diseases which Affect Broccoli Brassica Downy Mildew