Scabiosa (Sweet) Growing Guide
Crop Rotation Group
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Any fertile soil with good drainage.
Full sun.
Frost tolerant
Fair. Where winters are mild and the soil does not freeze, established plants may survive one winter.
Mulch the soil with compost prior to planting.
Scabiosa mixes well with many summer flowers including black-eyed susans and petunias.
Single Plants: 30cm (11") each way (minimum)
Rows: 25cm (9") with 30cm (11") row gap (minimum)
Sow and Plant
Sow scabiosa seeds indoors in winter and set seedlings out from spring onwards. Transplant carefully, without disturbing the roots.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.
Scabiosas make great cut flowers, and many varieties are fragrant. Colours include lavender, pink, rose, dark red, white and soft yellow. Perennial forms are available, but not in the colour range of seed-sown annual scabiosa.
Harvest stems to use as cut flowers as soon as the blossoms open. Clip off old blossoms every week or so to prolong bloom time.
Scabiosa plants may need staking to keep them upright so that the stems do not twist.
Planting and Harvesting Calendar
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Pests which Affect Scabiosa (Sweet)