Apple (Cordon) Growing Guide
Malus domestica
Crop Rotation Group
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Free draining, fertile soil.
Sun or partial shade.
Frost tolerant
Not required, unless closely spaced or just planted.
Single Plants: 1.00m (3' 3") each way (minimum)
Rows: 80cm (2' 7") with 1.20m (3' 11") row gap (minimum)
Sow and Plant
Plant any time the soil is workable from late autumn to spring when dormant. Prepare a large hole and plant at the same depth it was planted in its pot, or at the same level it was grown in the ground if bare root (indicated by the dark soil line). Return the soil to the hole, firm it in, then mulch after planting. You may need to use a tree guard to protect the young tree from animal and insect pests. Grow near at least one other apple tree which flowers at a similar time to aid pollination.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.
A cordon requires regular trimming throughout summer to maintain its shape. In midwinter, trim back all the lateral shoots on the main arm so three buds remain
Harvest when apples are ripe.
Make sure to take appropriate control measures in areas where fruit flies are present. Make sure to take appropriate control measures in areas where fruit flies are present. Place any infested fruit, or fruits that have fallen to the ground, in a sealed plastic bag in the sun for at least 7 days to kill the eggs and larvae. Do not compost infested fruits as this will lead to the fruit flies completing their life cycle and the problem recurring.
Planting and Harvesting Calendar
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Pests which Affect Apple (Cordon)