Camassia Growing Guide

Camassia species


Crop Rotation Group



Fertile, moist soil enriched with compost, with a neutral to slightly acidic pH.


Full sun to partial shade.

Frost tolerant

Yes, camassia is a hardy perennial bulb, tolerating cold to -34°C (-30°F).


None generally needed. If a clump lacks vigor, drench it with a liquid organic fertiliser when plants emerge in spring, and follow up with mulch of compost in the autumn.


Single Plants: 10cm (3") each way (minimum)
Rows: 10cm (3") with 10cm (3") row gap (minimum)

Sow and Plant

Plant dormant camassia bulbs mid summer to early autumn when available, setting them 10cm (4 inches) deep. Container-grown plants can be set out first thing in spring. Camassias resent root disturbance and rarely need dividing. To increase your supply, dig bulbs from the outside of the clump in early spring and transplant them right away.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.


Camassias bloom in late spring, after daffodils but before summer perennials, and the foliage dies back in midsummer. They are best when allowed to naturalise, often forming thick clumps that persist for many years. Camassia bulbs were once a major food source for indigenous people and early settlers in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Named varieties, selected for superior bloom, are widely available.


Gather stems for use in cut arrangements as you need them.


Camassias can tolerate wet soil better than drought. The plants die back naturally in midsummer. The bulbs are considered to be rodent resistant, and deer rarely eat the foliage.

Planting and Harvesting Calendar

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Pests which Affect Camassia