A Gardener's Education

, written by Barbara Pleasant us flag

Purple podded peas

Recently I received word that my GrowVeg blog won a Silver Award of Achievement from the Garden Writer's Association – a huge honour for me, the GrowVeg organisation, and also for you, for asking smart questions that keep me on my toes. "I suppose this means you know it all now," a friend teased, but this is not true. That very morning, in response to a reader's question, I had spent an hour researching whether or not onions suppress the growth of peas and beans planted after them in the same soil. It turns out that they do, by exuding substances from their roots which have herbicidal effects on some plants, particularly legumes. This explains why I can never get a good stand of beans when I sow them into beds from which garlic and onions have just been harvested. Cucumber family crops and leafy greens grow fine, so they must not be sensitive to the onion effect.

Silver Award for Barbara Pleasant in the Garden Writers Association 2013 Media Awards

But back to the award, the entry for which consisted of three blogs published during 2012. Rather than choosing the most popular ones, I chose stories that represent the diversity of topics we cover here. Growing Better Beans is a concise summary of practical tips for growing garden beans. Permaculture Principles for Vegetable Gardeners is more visionary, and uses a wider lens for its garden focus. For the third one I was torn between The Welcome Sounds of Crickets Chirping and Pleasing Garden Bees, which explore garden entomology, one of my personal passions. Ultimately I chose the crickets, and so did the judges.

But what did the judges really choose? My writing (thank you!), but I also think it was about the excellent gardening education we have going on here. GrowVeg is unique for its coverage of practical food gardening for a global readership -- an ongoing international conversation on edible gardening in which I take a turn as the teacher/moderator. After four years I know some of you by name, and your knowledge and experience pushes me to do better. It's one thing to let down strangers, another to shortchange friends.

Summer squash

In terms of subject matter, it's also very right yet amazing that the judges chose food gardening over landscape gardening, not just in the blog category (my co-winner Theresa Loe blogs at Living Homegrown) but in others, too. In the calendar photography competition, the win went to Lynn Karlin's "Simply Raw" vegetable calendar, in which the colours, curves and shadows of vegetables are celebrated in gallery-quality studio images. She generously shared use of the photos you see here.

My, how times have changed. When I got started in garden writing, nobody wanted to talk about vegetables. We food gardeners were a fringe group, and there was little demand for articles or books on growing organic veggies. For a decade or so I had to fake my way into the ranks of the "real" garden writers and compose glowing prose on designing colourful borders or landscaping your swimming pool, but it paid the bills and became part of my gardener's education. I learned the simplest-ever tip for taking garden photographs on a sunny day (use a white umbrella), had a lengthy love affair with bulbs, and mastered the basics of landscape design.

Radishes 'D'Avignon'

This aspect of my gardener's education has proven essential, whether I'm writing about keeping chickens or growing calendulas. I want and expect food gardens to be beautiful and productive, and I want this viewpoint to rub off on you. After all, the best measure of the value of my work will always be found in your gardens.

Photos by Lynn Karlin.

By Barbara Pleasant

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Show Comments


"CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL: Your gardening site is Well Deserving of the Silver Award. I like your P.R... prompt response and thorough information on the subject. ...and yes your readers pass along some good information as well."
gaia on Saturday 27 April 2013
"Congratulations . This is a lovely blog.."
Pattu on Saturday 27 April 2013
"Congratulations. Well done and keep it up."
Satish on Saturday 27 April 2013
"Hello: For the first time; I am starting a small wood framed garden from "scratch." I removed the sods, the soil is dry and fine textured with lots of small rocks. Do I need to add compose and peat moss or just fertilizer, (fish emulsion)then with TLC...hopefully it will thrive? What about applying newspaper before I add the soil,to hinder the weeds, does that work well? I'm open to any tips and suggestions you can offer. Thanks "
gaia on Sunday 28 April 2013
"Hey, I just found here info. on Starting A New Vegetable Plot... a question I asked earlier. So happy to find all that info. no need to apply to my question. I often miss info./subjects because I don't make/take time to "read everything"... anyway thanks for the well covered posting."
gaia on Monday 29 April 2013
"Only silver? Sheesh, the gold winner must be through the roof."
Sylvia B. on Sunday 5 May 2013
"Awesome, congratulations and thanks so much for sharing your knowledge so clearly and practically. I follow a lot of your advice when planting our market community garden where we host local students for workshops! "
Kimberly on Sunday 12 May 2013

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