Abraham Huichapa
Hort 101
Prof Bartz
May 5, 2018
The first garden, top left, is the garden that will have the kale, red cabbage and also broccoli grow in the spring. Both kale and red cabbage would have to be started in the greenhouse in january and then taken out once the broccoli is ready to be planted late MArch. Following up those plants, in the summer, summer squash, peppers, and tomatoes will be planted during the summer season. Ending the planting season in the fall are spinach, beet, and carrots. Each one of the vegetable plants have issues with slugs or snails. The second Garden, top right, is the garden that has flowers. I chose flowers because I have bee hives set around the perimeter that way they can pollinate and create honey. Having these bees is beneficial not only for the flower, but also for the vegetables. The third garden, bottom left, is the fruit garden containing apples, melons, blueberries and strawberries. Apples attract slugs, snails, apple maggots, and aphids. Melos attract slug, snails, and aphids. Blueberries attract slug, snails, and aphids. Strawberries attract slug, snails, aphids, and spider mite. Each one of the plants has a problem with snails or slugs, so one way to handle that problem is by spraying chemicals that won't harm the plant, but will repel the slugs and snails, Another way is by having chickens eat them, by having a chicken coop set up, hopefully that can prevent the spreading of the slugs and snails. The fourth garden, bottom right is the final vegetable garden. What I have here are potatoes, horseradish, peas, dill, beans,and fennel. The Horseradish will attract the beetles that would normally attack the potatoes. Meanwhile the peas and beans will be giving out good oxygen to the plants surrounding them. While the dill and fennel repel the insects that would normally damage both peas and beans.
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