Community Garden at Rocky Mountain School of Excellence
Garden Location:
Denver, CO
Garden Size:
12' 11" x 14' 11"
Garden Type:
Community garden
Garden Layout:
Traditional layout - rows etc
Sun or Shade:
Garden Soil Type:
Good soil
Arugula -
Broccoli - Sow 2-3 seeds together every 1-1.5 ft. When seedlings are 1 inch tall, thin to 1 plant every 1-1.5 ft. Harvest before buds open. Side shoots produced after main head is cut extend harvest.
Brussels Sprouts -
Cantelope - Sow 6 seeds over a hill 9-12 inches tall and 2 feet wide. When plants are 3 inches tall, thin to 3 plants per hill.
Carrots - Sow 4 seeds per inch in a row. Cover seeds firmly with soil. When plants are 2 inches tall, thin to 3 inches apart in a row. Plant every 3 weeks until 75 days before first frost.
Corn - Plant 1 seed every 4 inches. Thin to 1 plan every 12 inches when plants are 4 inches tall.
Cucumber - Sow 5 seeds over a hill 12 inches tall and 2 feet accross. When 2 inches tall, thin to 3 plants per hill. Plant at 3 week intervals up to midsummer.
Garlic -
Jalepeno - Sow after last frost. Plan 2 seed every 18 inches. Thin or tansplant to 1 plant every 18 inches when 3 inches tall.
Lettuce -
Peas -
Pepper -
Pumpkin -
Radish -
Yellow Squash -
Tomato (cherry)
Tomato -
Zucchini Squash -
Garden Plan
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