We plan to do 5 beds of Celebrity Hybrid and 5 Early Girl. Planning to test 2 different growing support methods, for each: one method is with the wood horizontal framing, the second with oak stakes, 6 or 7' long. At Agway in Morristown: 6' stakes are $3.59 each; 7' are 3.99 each.
South Side of walk: Basil, Beans, Bush, Beans, Pole (trellis), Collards, Cucumber (trellis), Peas (trellis), Tomatoes (half with stakes; half with framing)
North Side of Walk: Beets, Carrots, Kalle, Turnips, Teaching Bed Mix
Removing into Containers or among flowers against Elk wall:
To do:
1) Designate succession planting (DONE as of 3/24, Karen with input from Gabe)
2) Position plants to minimize amount of trellising while maximizing its function. ie Place cucumbers and peas on north, short ends of beds that have tomato framing, to use ends as climbing area.
(As of 3/24, only doing 4 beds of framing for tomatoes. Can't introduce too much change in one year. Will trellis the cucumbers, peas, beans, etc. like we did last year.)
With Gabe, added sulfur to beds 1-5, 23. 6 needs repair and no reason we skipped 2. Took almost 2 hours for 6 beds. Will let the Ultimate for Peacers do it. Will buy masks.
Continued amending... added sulfur to beds 22, 25, 26, 27, 7. 8. 9. 10, 11.
6 end piece fell off so not disturbing; 12 still has strawberries.
9 left: beds 13-21
Completed amending the soil. Rototilled 1 26,27.
Will finish installing the irrigation - need plumbers tape to stop the drip, and align number of lines with number of planned rows of vegetables.
Irrigation fixed and ready to go.
Planted 25, 26 swiss chard and beets
Planted 22 Soy, Spinach
23 Beets
Turned irrigation on zone 3, Tues, Thurs, Sat 9:35am for 20 miutes.
4/28 bed 27:
Jim and Diane planted:
-Romaine- Winter density
-Lettuce -Little Gem
-Collards -Flash (seedlings)
-Kale -Lacinato (seedlings)
-Radishes -French Breakfast
-Pak Choy
-Turnips- Hakurei
-Radishes -Dragon
Planted 6 of the tomato plants (picked them up in the afternoon from the MGC sale. 48 Celebrity; 48 Early Girl)
Planted the 90 remaining, with Lisa Schnorr.
Fertilizing 5 oz of mixture (details in email) per bed. NOT fertilizing beans since we are increasing N w/fertilizer.
Fertilized beds:
Fertilized 10 - 14
6/23 Harvested all spinach from bed 22 . Also harvested curly kale, Russian kale, snap peas, snow peas, Swiss chard, turnips.
Bed 22: Planted one row of yellow cucumbers, one row of green. One row of beans Will need to add trellis in a few weeks after sprouting.
Did not continue to fertilize as planned because it was lightly raining and water activates the fertilizer.
With Gabe and Jim Myracle discussed pruning indeterminates versus semideterminates.
From: https://extension.unh.edu/resources/files/Resource000598_Rep620.pdf
Removing suckers (new shoots that develop in the leaf axils)
reduces potential yields, but increases airflow. Leave the sucker just
below the first flower cluster (remove all other suckers below that
one), and allow all suckers above the first flower cluster to grow.
Indeterminate varieties will reach and exceed the top of the
stakes. At that point, cut the tops off of indeterminate tomatoes to
maintain a tidy hedge and to prevent the row from becoming topheavy.
7/3/18 Bed 21 planted 1 row of bush beans.
7/5/18 Major pruning of all tomatoes. Keeping plenty of light and air! Removing leaves that touch each other.
After harvesting the fava beans from bed 1, removed all plants. Seemed diseased, with black spots on leaves and beans. DO NOT PLANT FAVA again. Reasons:
- disease prone
- need to cook the beans
- tastes awful!
Bed 1 - planted 1 row of bush beans. ** Room for 2 more. **
Bed 22 - installed 2 rows of trelissing to support the 2 rows of cucumbers and beans planted.
Beds 16 - 27 - fertilized all except 18 (has legumes).
Bed 1: Planted 2 more rows of bush beans
Bed 21: Planted 1 more row of bush beans in the center.
May harvest all the peas this Saturday. Replace with POLE BEANS!
Saw some hoof prints in bed 20. May be deer. ?!
Bed 23 Planted 2 rows bush beans
Bed 21 Harvested carrot row and planted one row of bush beans
Bed 9 Pulled out all remianing sugar snap peas and snow peas. Planted 2 rows of pole beans using existing trellis.
Do not plant on inside and outside of trellis - difficult to harvest inside.
Do not let stray tomato plants among cucumbers, peas, etc. Tomatoes are stunted and impinge on the other stuff.
Sent out harvest note today, adn reported we doubled our harvest, compared to this point last year!!
9/8/18 All kale infested with white fly. Need to remove plants. Next year: less dense planting, more aggressive harvesting and pruning!
9/22/18 Bed 26: Planted one radish, one spinach (both seed tape)
Bed 24: Harvested the remainder of the carrots and planted 3 rows: 2 spinach, one radish in the middle (all seed tape).
Cleaned out most beds except the tomato beds - many green tomates left. Beds 1, 21, 22, 25, 27 have beans, greens, and the demo bed that we'll probably pull within the next 2 weeks.
All bed cleaned out EXCEPT 24. 26. 27 - still planted. Will remove posts and blow out irrigation 11/3, weather permitting.