Garden Plans > 2017: Vegetable Garden Project

About this Garden Plan

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Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location:
Garden Size: 50' 0" x 19' 11"
Garden Type: -
Garden Layout: -
Sun or Shade: -
Garden Soil Type: -

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Arugula 255"3" x 7"Flea beetles eat me as well
Aster (China) 311"11" x 11" 
Beans (Dry) 249"7" x 1' 1"Nitrogen fixation, puts nitrogen in the soil
Begonia 611"9" x 1' 1" 
Bluebell 323"3" x 3" 
Bok Choy 167"7" x 9"Flea beetle eats it, and is deterred by minty plants such as thyme (intercropped). Mint covers the smell of bok choy.
Buckwheat 283"3" x 3" 
Cabbage (Summer) 21' 7"1' 5" x 1' 9"Green imported cabbage worms, tansy helps deter them
Calendula 911"9" x 1' 11" 
Carrot 563"3" x 5" 
Celery 157"5" x 11" 
Chamomile 3011"9" x 1' 3" 
Chives 267"5" x 9"According to, chives: repel carrot flies, Japanese beetle and aphids. Carrot needs it
Coleus 211"11" x 11" 
Cucumber 11' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Cucumber beetles transmit an incurable disease called bacterial wilt. If you find that the stems of your seedlings are being eaten off, leaves are yellowing and wilting, and holes are appearing, you may have a striped or spotted cucumber beetle. Exclude them with floating rowcovers and tansy. Rowcover helps
Eggplant 41' 3"1' 1" x 1' 5"Flea beetles eat this plant
Fruit (Bush) 32' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"Native birds often gorge themselves on native fruits. Protect ripening berries with lightweight cloth or bird netting.
Hairy Vetch 13"3" x 3" 
Lobelia 545"5" x 5"Attracts braconid wasps which feed on moth, beetle and fly larvae, moth eggs, various insect pupae and adults. Eggplant, arugula needs it
Onions (Green) 493"3" x 3" 
Peanut 1811"9" x 1' 1"Legumes for nitrogen fixation
Potatoes (Maincrop) 71' 5"1' 1" x 2' 5"Hornworms eat this
Raspberry 42' 3"1' 11" x 2' 11"In spring, adult females deposit eggs between a double row of punctures made around stem tips. The eggs hatch in early summer and the whitish, brown-headed larvae bore several inches down the canes, overwinter at ground level, and emerge as adults in June. Damage: Look for a double row of punctures around the stem tip where the adult female laid her eggs. Cane wilting above the egg punctures is common with the cane dying the following season. Control: Remove wilted cane tips six inches below the damaged area and destroy the prunings. If chemical control is necessary, spray the cane tips with permethrin or carbaryl (e.g., Sevin) just before the first blossoms open.
Strawberry 61' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Slugs can be deterred with straw mulch or traps. Use lightweight cloth or netting to protect ripening berries from birds.
Tansy 61' 5"1' 3" x 2' 11"Planted to deter cabbage worms that feed on surface layer of leaves. Planting tansy near your cabbage crops can also discourage them. In an example of the two-way street nature of companion planting, tansy planted near cabbage does surprisingly well. Cucumber beeteles. Also cucumber beetles
Tatsoi 97"7" x 7" 
Thyme 911"11" x 1' 3"Gets rid of flea beetles, bok choy needs it
Tomato (Small) 61' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Hornworms are the caterpillars of the sphinx moth, which feed only on plants in the solanaceous family. Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum ) are their most frequent targets, but they also damage eggplant (Solanum melongena) and potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). IT'S A TRAP
Watermelon 32' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"Lacewings and parasitic wasps attack aphids and whiteflies, while lacewing larvae and western predatory mites attack spider mites. For further control, gardeners may saturate plants with low-toxicity insecticidal soap or oils to kill pests on contact.

Planting Times

Plant List key