Garden Plans > 2013: Kitchen Garden

About this Garden Plan

kitchen garden year 1 raised beds and cobblestone walk ways

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Sioux Lookout
Garden Size: 41' 11" x 31' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Square Foot Garden
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberPlants per Square FootNotes
Asparagus 121transplant ASAP
 Siam Queen
 Sweet Genovese
 Purple Ruffles
Beans (Bush Snap) 729from seed in garden
Beans (Pole) 648from seed in garden scarlet runner, planted 2/6
30TRANSPLANT 3 plants and bought 5 more Chippewa
Carrot 16016from seed strip, q2weeks
Chives 1616potted into ground
Cilantro 414 seedlings
Cover Crop 81planted creeping jenny around base of gooseberry and elderberry
Cucumber 122from seed in greenhouse
Dill 44seedling x 4 this year
Fenugreek 549creeping jenny planted at base of gooseberry and elderberry
Flower 324from SEED, morning glory ARCH reqd
Fruit (Bush)
102013 Borealis x2 and pollinator- From T&T seeds WPG- Haskapp edible honeysuckles are extremely hardy and early fruiting. The flower is hardy to -8C and the fruit is ready to harvest the third week of June. The fruit tastes similar to blueberries and is harvested very easily. Treat and handle as you would Tomato or Potato plants--like the same conditions! BOREALIS HONEYSUCKLE: This cultivar produced the largest fruit in the U of Saskatchewans trials. Short, flat, boxy fruit, sweet-tart flavour and deemed ideal for the home gardener Plant at least 1 m (3 ft) apart. Fertilize bi-weekly with Rose & Strawberry fertilzer (10-52-17) and Liquid Seaweed. HARVEST: This is the first fruit crop to ripen. Berries begin to change colors in early to mid June to early July and are ripe 7 to 10 days later during a normal year. Once they become completely purple, wait a few days for them to fully ripen. A good check for ripeness is to bite one in half. If it is green inside, it is not ripe. When ripe the interior should be red. When unripe, berries are slightly bitter and may have a grass-like flavor or mild astringency .
Fruit (Bush)
 Rovada Red Currant
20transplanted from garden
Fruit (Bush)
30TRANSPLANT ASAP fan trellis req'd
Fruit (Bush) 20 
Fruit (Bush)
40need to buy??
Garlic 549planted late 2/6
Grape Vine 20HOPS planted fromT&T A sun loving plant, make sure you choose a spot in full sunlight for most if not all of the day. Support must be present for these to climb. The soil should be well worked and kept weed free. Plant after threat of frost has passed. Plant the long root 2 cm (1 in) deep (parallel to surface), buds pointing up. First year plants need frequent light waterings. Fertilize regularly with Rose & Strawberry 10-52-17 up until mid-July. When vines reach about 30 cm (1 ft) prune back to just 3 strong vines and make sure they grow up provided support. They reach their ultimate height of 5-7 m (15-25 ft) by early July. They then start producing sidearms which will bear the flowers, do your best to prevent sidearms from becoming too tangled. Vines produce both male and female flowers. The female develop the hops cone only. The plant is basically establishing its root system the first year, so not too much flower production can be expected. As this is a very dense foliage plant wa
Lavender 41 
Lemon Balm 11 
Lettuce (Crisphead) 84\Romaine from seed in greenhouse
Lettuce (Crisphead)
44from transplant started harvest 08/06/13
Lettuce (Leaf) 189from seed Q2weeks and seedlings
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Red Sails
99from transplant- started to eat 08/06/13
Marigold 124 
Mint 11potted separate
Nasturtium 244from seed in garden and transplants
Onions (Green) 4816 
Oregano 11potted into ground
Parsley 84separate pot
Peas 1288from seed into ground, maypole support Q2 weeks
Potatoes (Early) 61red, yellow
Potatoes (Maincrop) 31blue
Raspberry 100transplant May 21, 2013, put 12 canes in each bed with extra compost and seaweed fertilizer.
Rhubarb 20transplant done 31/5
Rosemary 11separate pot from seed
Sage 11separate pot from seed
Scarlet Sage 324SALVIA mixed with strawberries
Spinach 189from see into ground Q2 weeks
Squash (Winter) 30butternut, spaghetti and patty pan trellis reqd
Stevia 442 small plants
Strawberry 1184transplant ASAprob not as many plants consider buyin a few
Thyme 11separate pot seedling
Tomato (Small) 81from seed or buy cherry and reg, yellow and red
Zucchini 41yellow and green 2 each planted 2/6

Planting Times

Plant List key